Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Look! & Help a Kid Win a Scolarship!

Yep. I've re-done the whole blog. (Don't fret. Comics are still at the bottom ;D) I made a custom header and background, re-did the colors, moved some stuff around. I'm still playing with it a little but I want to know what you guys think of it so far. Oh! One more thing.

Hello! I am Jessica, a high school senior who is hoping to go to college next year. I’ve worked very hard throughout high school, but I will not be able to afford college unless I receive some scholarships. You can help me win a scholarship! No, you don’t have to give me money. In fact, it’s free! is offering a scholarship to some students, including me. In order to receive the scholarship, I need to be voted in. Please vote for me by going Here and voting for “Jessica Lippe”. Anyone of any age is encouraged to vote. However, you are required to register with Zinch before you vote. (But if you’re a high schooler, when you register, you’ll have the chance to get some scholarships yourself!) If you’d like to register to Zinch, please fill out the application. Sign up here. But please, don’t forget to vote for me Here . It will only take a few seconds of your time, and you’ll help send a kid to college!Thank you for your time and vote. I really appreciate it!Sincerely,Jessica Lippe

Please vote for her. She is posting this EVERYWHERE I look. YSSR! ~Jacob


gatheringrosebuds said...

I love the new look Jacob! It's awesome!!! :)

Jacob said...

Thanks. Anything that would make it better?